One really awesome way to connect with your child

Tinkercad Table 1

Tinkercad Table 1

Tinkercad Table 2

Tinkercad Table 2

At a private, corporate Family 3D Printing workshop, which I ran last week, I came across a dad and his son who fell a little behind and didn’t follow my mouse clicks exactly. I was teaching the class how to do a plain table in Tinkercad as a simple warm up exercise. The key trick to this model is to line up the table legs exactly within the grid lines on the work plane below.For whatever reason, they didn’t line up the legs exactly and their table ended up skewed.The dad asked me, “Say this doesn’t look right, is it?” I replied, “Your table legs just need to line up on the grid lines below. It looks a bit artistic, but do you like it?” They both paused and said, “Sure! Why not!”That was a great moment for them. They just took the most basic of objects, customized it, and made it totally their own. And no one can take that away from them.This is why I get such a kick out of these workshops.

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