Beyond 3D Printers, the Maker Movement is about Family Ties


I recently came across an article with a catchy title, “The Maker Movement Is Not About 3D Printers” written by Jay Silver, CEO at JoyLabz/MakeyMakey. Jay proposed, “The Maker Movement isn't about robots or 3D printers almost at all, it's really about freedom, the freedom for us with our hands to make the world we live in.” I couldn’t agree with Jay more, but from our 3D Roundhouse point of view, we want to add how much more meaningful it can be if you include the family component.As technology becomes more widespread and mobile, which facilitates the growth of the Maker Movement, it just becomes ever easier for each of us to lose ourselves in our own virtual worlds, especially if it is to make something. How many parents go home and spend hours on a laptop pursuing some hobby while the children are busy on their iPads? I am the first to admit, this also happens in our household.But, once in a while, my daughter and I also collaborate on projects for our home. We are currently setting up an aquaponic system for our living room. (More on that in future blogs.) Of course, I had to sort out the basics like tank location, size and pump capacity. But wherever there is an opportunity, particularly to make the system aesthetically pleasing, it’s Elizabeth’s call. And yes, I used 123D Design to create the drafts for her feedback.The Maker Movement now has far more tools available than in the past for non-engineering-types like myself. This grants us the freedom that Jay Silver mentioned. But for me, that aquaponic system that I’m designing with Elizabeth will be ours, pretty much forever. It’s will be our own family-made project.